If you're reading this and haven't signed up to follow our blog do so!
First three people to sign up win a gift certificate for $25 to Opus Art Supplies!  
(To be eligible- send a full screen shot of your confirmation "alpac code" to

 Design24 welcomes Opus to the project as an associate level sponsor!
-For more information on Opus Art Supplies visit the sponsor section of the blog.


Featuring the work of contributing artist Ben Tour, screen-printing by Ben Knight* and edited by Andrew Young at DONT LOOK Creative Society

*A big shout out to our printer and contributing artist Ben Knight for all his skill and hard work!
-For custom quotes on screen printing contact Ben via:
We're happy to announce that Kimprints (Gastown/ Yaletown) has arranged a VERY special discount on custom framing for any prints purchased from the Design24 exhibit!